Our Mission

Create Tomorrow’s Responsible Citizens

MCF aims to shape the youth & make them capable of facing the challenges of the world. Physical & Mental fitness plays very important role in our lives. A physically and mentally fit person is less prone to medical conditions. Our aim is to train the cadets and make them participate and perform well in athletics, gymnastics, aquatics, boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, shooting, table tennis, lawn tennis badminton etc. We help to develop the overall personality of the cadet. Future of a nation depends on the youth of the country and MCF helps inshaping the youth.

for cadets


The training program is designed to give an insight into military training. Activities we cover in this camp will help the cadets to improve their physical fitness.

Discipline &

Discipline and Punctuality are given the utmost importance. Strictly no Bullying. Cadets will be trained to cooperate and work as one unit.

Inculcates Independent &
Confident behaviour

The program is designed in such a way where Cadet has to perform most of the activities on his own, Communicate and Co-ordinate with others to get things done.

Free from Electronic devices

Kids at McF summer camp are typically engaged in a wide range of physical, intellectual, and social activities. They will learn new skills, try new things, and gain confidence and independence. We know parents’ biggest concern is kids’ mobile addiction. MCF camps help them stay away from electronic devices, which will help them come out of mobile addiction.


Camp provides sufficient and Nutritious food at fixed times. They would be provided awareness towards food habits and how the food being taken affects the human body.